How do I cancel my subscription / membership?

Did you know you can freeze your membership instead of terminating it? You can read more about freezing a membership here, Can I freeze / pause my subscription? And how does it work?

We recommend this alternative instead of a cancellation if you intend to start training again within 12 months as we have a notice period of two months and that you pay a starting fee of 249 SEK if you then have to start training again after cancellation. You also retain your loyalty status if you freeze your membership.

If you have a monthly subscription, you can cancel it at one of our gyms during staffed hours or, on My pages.

* Above pictures are examples of what it looks like. Remember that you need to confirm the termination with your password on the last page.

The notice period is the period that remains in the same month that you resign + 2 months. So should you cancel on 17/1, your membership with us will end completely on 31/3. You can of course train just as usual during the notice period!

Full-year or half-yearly paid membership does not continue after the prepaid period has expired.

(If you want to know when your prepaid membership expires, we ask you to talk to staff at one of our gyms, they will be happy to help you).

F24S Customer Service
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